AX22001, Single Chip Micro-controller with TCP/IP and 802.11 WLAN MAC/Baseband, is a System-on-Chip (SoC) solution which offers high performance dual-CPU architecture with on-chip 1MB shared Flash as Program Memory, on-chip 64KB Data Memory for Main CPU (MCPU), on-chip 32KB Data Memory for Wi-Fi CPU (WCPU), TCP/IP accelerator, 802.11a/b/g compatible WLAN MAC/Baseband, Fast Ethernet MAC, and rich communication peripherals for wide varieties of application which need access to the wired/wireless LAN or Internet.
AX22001 provides cost effective wire or wireless networking solution to enable simple, easy, and low cost Internet connection capability for many applications, such as consumer electronics, networked home appliances, industrial equipments, security systems, remote data collection equipments, remote control, remote monitoring, and remote management.
Single Chip Microcontroller with TCP/IP and 802.11 WLAN MAC/Baseband (32GPIOs, LQFP-128)
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● Dual-CPU Architecture for Application and WLAN Protocol Processing
-- 8-bit pipelined RISC, single cycle per instruction operating up to 80MHz and 100% software compatible with standard 8051/80390
-- Supports power management unit, programmable watchdog timer, three 16-bit timer/counters, millisecond timer, and real-time clock (RTC) controller
-- Supports CPU Debugger for connecting to In-Circuit Emulation (ICE) adaptor
● Main CPU (MCPU) for Application and TCP/IP
-- Supports DMA Controllers (7 DMA channels) and memory arbiter for fast data movement during network protocol stack processing and peripheral communications
-- Supports TCP/IP accelerator in hardware (IP/TCP/UDP/ICMP/IGMP checksum and ARP) to improve network transfer throughput
-- Supports TCP, UDP, ICMP, IGMP, IPv4, DHCP, BOOTP, ARP, DNS, SMTP, SNTP, UPnP, PPPoE and HTTP in software
-- Supports network boot over Ethernet or Wi-Fi using BOOTP and TFTP
-- 2 external interrupt sources with 2 priority levels
● Program and Data Memory
-- On-chip 16KB SRAM for MCPU program code mirroring and on-chip 1MB shared Flash memory for MCPU and WCPU program code
-- Supports In-System Programming (ISP) for initial Flash memory programming via UART or ICE adaptor
-- Supports reprogrammable boot code and In- Application Programming (IAP) to update boot code or run-time firmware through Ethernet, Wi-Fi or UART interface (US Patent Approval)
-- Supports Program Loader to shadow MCPU program code to external SRAM for high performance applications
-- On-chip 64KB data memory for MCPU; on-chip 32KB data memory for WCPU
● Wi-Fi CPU (WCPU) and 802.11a/b/g Compatible WLAN MAC/Baseband Processor
-- Supports operation in Infrastructure, Simple AP or Ad-Hoc (IBSS) network topology
-- Supports DSSS and CCK: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps
-- Supports OFDM: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps
-- Supports 802.11i security
-- Supports 802.11e QoS with 1 TX queue but selectable AC for user's application data
-- Integrates on-chip RXIQ ADC, TXIQ DAC and TSSI ADC for interfacing to RF Transceiver
-- Supports Ethernet to Wi-Fi packet format translation through DMA transfer between MCPU's data memory and WCPU's data memory and between WCPU's data memory and WLAN MA
-- Supports various Wi-Fi Management frames processing with hardware accelerator such as MIC, SHA-1/MD-5 transform, AES key unwrap, pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) and 32-bits arithmetic
-- Supports 3 Wi-Fi power saving modes with auto-wakeup for Beacon frame reception
-- Supports 1 UART for WCPU console debug, 1 external interrupt and access to I2C interface
● 10/100M Fast Ethernet MAC
-- IEEE 802.3 10Base-T/100Base-TX compatible Fast Ethernet MAC with dedicated 12KB SRAM for packet buffering
-- Supports full-duplex with flow control and half-duplex with backpressure
-- Supports MII, RMII, Rev-MII and Rev-RMII interfaces
-- Supports Ethernet Wake-On-LAN (WOL) by link-up, AMD Magic Packet and Microsoft Wakeup Frame
● Peripheral Communication Interfaces
-- 4 UART interfaces (2 supporting DMA mode, Modem control, remote wakeup and up to 921.6Kbps baud)
-- High Speed SPI interface with DMA mode (3 masters or 1 slave mode)
-- 1 I2S or PCM interface with DMA mode
-- Local Bus host interface with DMA mode (master or slave mode)
-- 1 I2C interface (master or slave mode)
-- 5 channels of Programmable Counter Array
-- 1 1-Wire controller interface
-- Up to 4 GPIO ports of 8 bits each
● Integrates 32.768KHz crystal oscillator IO (with independent power input) for RTC and auto-wakeup timer of Wi-Fi power saving mode
● Integrates on-chip 80MHz PLL to operate with external 40MHz oscillator
● Integrates on-chip power-on reset circuit
● 128-pin LQFP RoHS compliant package
● Operating temperature range: 0°C to +70°C

Development Board

AX22001 802.11b/g Generic Development Board (AXM22001-2A-EVB-GEN-1)
This is a generic development board with AX22001 802.11b/g WiFi module board for RS-232 to WiFi reference design or SPI to WiFi reference design. (with AXM22001-2A-B WiFi Module board)

AX22001 802.11b/g WiFi Speaker Reference Design Board (AXM22001-2A-EVB-SPK-2)
This is a WiFi speaker reference design board with AX22001 802.11b/g WiFi module board. (with AXM22001-2A-B WiFi Module board)

AXM22001-2A-B 802.11b/g WiFi Module Board
This WiFi module board contains AX22001 and Airoha AL2230S and provides the pin headers to be used primarily with AX22001 development board and reference design boards.

AXM22001-2A-C 802.11b/g WiFi Module Board
This small size WiFi module board contains AX22001 and Airoha AL2230S for production.
Hardware Design Considerations
How can I start to implement AX220xx applications?
ASIX provides plenty of AX220xx technical documents and sample codes for customers' reference. User can purchase an AX220xx reference design board and refer to the provided reference design source code as baseline to implement your own AX220xx applications. Please contact ASIX Sales staffs at for more details.
If user would like to implement AX220xx family on your application directly without having to buy the AX220xx reference design board, you should contact ASIX Sales staffs to get AX220xx related technical documents and sample codes, subject to ASIX -
How do I purchase the AX220xx WiFi module boards?
ASIX provides the AX22001 802.11b/g WiFi Module Board (with Airoha AL2230S RF chip) which is a RF calibrated and tested module. To shorten customer's hardware design cycle on RF circuit layout and RF testing during prototyping phase, customers can design your own base board with desired function and interface circuits and assemble it with the AX22001 802.11b/g WiFi Module Board through the pin header.
ASIX will provide more AX220xx WiFi module board solutions such as smaller form factor or with stamp holes (saving the pin header cost), etc. later. For most up-to-date information, please contact ASIX Sales staffs at
You can visit the AX220xx Development Board web page for details of AX220xx WiFi module boards. -
How do I purchase the AX220xx reference design boards?
ASIX provides some AX220xx reference design applications such as AX22001 WiFi Speaker Reference Design, AX220xx RS-232 to WiFi Reference Design, and AX220xx SPI to WiFi Reference Design for customer evaluation purpose. These reference design boards allow customers to quickly verify the AX220xx reference design related software and hardware components. ASIX will provide more reference designs for AX220xx family later. For most up-to-date information, please contact ASIX Sales staffs at
Can I use ASIX's WiFi module solution on my AX220xx application directly?
Yes, you can use ASIX's WiFi module solutions such as AXM22001-2A-C 802.11b/g WiFi module board on your AX220xx applications directly if you don't have experiences to implement the WiFi module by yourselves. Please contact ASIX Sales staffs at for more details.
Does AX220xx support industrial temperature?
No, the AX220xx family currently supports only commercial temperature range: 0 to 70°C. If you need the industrial temperature version or other special requirements, please contact ASIX Sales staffs at for further support.
Can I eliminate the I²C Hardware Configuration EEPROM on AX220xx applications?
Yes, user can eliminate the I²C Hardware Configuration EEPROM on your AX220xx applications and use the Hardware Configuration Sector in AX220xx Flash Memory SA2 sector to store the AX220xx hardware configuration setting instead. Please refer to Section 3 of AX220xx datasheet for details.
What is the size of AX220xx embedded SRAM as Data Memory?
The AX220xx family integrates on-chip 64KB SRAM for MCPU data memory and on-chip 32KB SRAM for WCPU data memory.
What is the size of AX220xx embedded Flash as Program Memory?
The AX220xx integrates on-chip 1 MB shared Flash memory for MCPU and WCPU program code.
Does AX220xx support external Flash memory?
No, the AX220xx doesn't support external Flash memory interface. The AX220xx on-chip 1M Flash memory should be sufficient for most AX220xx target applications. Please contact ASIX Sales staffs at for further support if you have special requirements.
Does AX220xx support Real Time Clock (RTC) function?
Yes, AX220xx supports the Real Time Clock (RTC) Controller that provides the real time clock information for some applications. The RTC Controller is a clock/calendar with seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month and year information, and also features programmable time-of-day/date alarms. The date at the end of the month is automatically adjusted for months with fewer than 31 days, including corrections for leap year.
Does AX220xx WCPU support power saving mode?
Yes, AX220xx supports 3 WiFi power saving modes with auto-wakeup for Beacon frame reception.
Does AX220xx support the Flash Program Code Read Protection function?
When program code in on-chip Flash memory needs to be protected from unauthorized download for copyright protection purpose, the AX220xx on-chip Flash memory offers a hardware mechanism to enable/disable on-chip Flash memory read protection. Please refer to AX220xx datasheet for details.
What EEPROM part is being used on AX220xx reference design board?
The recommended EEPROM part on AX220xx reference design board is Microchip 24LC04B I2C EEPROM. You can select other 24LC04B compatible EEPROM too.
How can I define the operable WiFi channels for my country with the AX220xx WCPU firmware?
User can define the available WiFi channels through the Region Code setting in I2C Hardware Configuration EEPROM or the Hardware Configuration Sector in AX220xx Flash Memory SA2 sector. The AX220xx WCPU firmware would read this setting to determine the available channels group supported for the region/country code.
Software Design Considerations
Do I need to pay for the AX220xx software sample codes?
No, ASIX provides free AX220xx related sample codes for customers to implement AX220xx applications.
What development tools are supported by the AX220xx family software?
All the software modules for AX220xx family are developed in C language on Keil IDE development environment. User can purchase the Keil IDE Development Environment from Keil's web site for more details.
In general, user should purchase the PK51 development tool for C-language compiler, debugger and simulator. User can also download the Keil C51 evaluation software for free from Keil's web site, but the evaluation software can only compile the sample codes with less than 2K bytes binary code. Please refer to Keil's web site for more details about the limitation of evaluation software. -
Can I purchase the Keil IDE development tools from ASIX?
No, user should purchase the Keil IDE development tools from Keil's web site. In general, user should purchase the PK51 development tool for C-language compiler, debugger and simulator.
What debugger tools are supported by the AX220xx family?
AX220xx currently provides two debug tool solutions, one is the UART console debug; the other is the Digital Core Design (DCD)'s DoCD HAD2 debugger. All the AX220xx software modules support some basic UART console debug function by default.
If user needs more powerful debug tool like source level debug, AX220xx reference design board supports the DCD's DoCD Hardware Debugger- the HAD2 module. Through the HAD2 module, the software running on AX220xx reference design board can be real-time debugged.
User can purchase the HAD2 module from DCD and download the debugger software from DCD's web site. Please refer to DCD's provided DoCD HAD2 debugger documents for procedures to set up the DoCD HAD2 debugger environment. -
Do I really need to purchase the DoCD HAD2 debugger for AX220xx implementation?
It depends on the user's requirement. If user is comfortable with debugging AX220xx software via the UART console debugging method, your probably don't need to purchase the DoCD HAD2 debugger.
Can I purchase the DoCD HAD2 Debugger from ASIX?
No, users should purchase the DoCD HAD2 Debugger from Digital Core Design's web site.
Do I need to port AX220xx Boot Loader source code by myself?
ASIX provides two AX220xx Boot Loader binary codes for two application scenarios. The first is for the case where user needs to use the DoCD HAD debugger function, typically during software development stage; the second is for the case where user needs to prevent unauthorized program code download, typically required for user's final application software. Other than the code protection mode, the two AX220xx Boot Loader binary codes share exactly the same functions and features supported.
In general, users don't need to port the AX220xx Boot Loader source code by yourselves. -
Do I need to port AX220xx WCPU firmware source code by myself?
ASIX provides a WCPU driver firmware binary code that supports the AL2230S/AL7230 RF transceiver chips from Airoha. However, there are some WiFi customization setting such as WiFi LED, supported region code or channel map, etc. that can be defined by user in the I²C Configuration EEPROM or Flash memory sector 2. The WCPU driver firmware supports to operate in infrastructure or IBSS mode with various configuration/management APIs available to MCPU software.
In general, users don't need to port the AX220xx WCPU driver firmware source code by yourselves. -
Do I need to port AX220xx MCPU firmware source code by myself?
Yes, user should port the AX220xx MCPU firmware source code by referring to the provided reference design source code as baseline to implement your own AX220xx applications.
What WiFi network topology does AX220xx WCPU support?
AX220xx WCPU supports operation in Infrastructure or Ad-Hoc (IBSS) network topology.
Technical Documentation
AX220xx RS-232 to WiFi Reference Design User Guide
Hardware Design Documentation
AXM22001-2A-C Generic Main Board Reference Schematic
AX220xx WiFi Speaker/Camera Reference Design Main Board Schematic
AX220xx Embedded WiFi SoC Application Design Note
AX22001 WiFi Speaker Reference Design Main Board Gerber Files
AX220xx Generic Main Board PCB Layout File (PowerPCB)
AX22001 WiFi Speaker Reference Design Main Board PCB Layout File (PowerPCB)