AX11001包含了Single Cycle(每條指令執行僅一個時鍾週期)高速管線的8051/80390相容微控制器核心,性能可達100MIPS,並內建128KB的快閃式記憶體與32KB的RAM記憶體。內建的乙太網路埠支援Auto-MDIX,該性能可以自動識別直連或交叉的網線,免除終端用戶推測的困擾。另整合豐富的串列通訊及並列介面資源,包含一個I²C、一個SPI、三個UART(其中一個可支援高速達921.6Kbps)、一個1-wire。定時及計數資源方面包括一個看門狗計時器、三個通用型16位元計時器、一個5通道的可編程計數器陣列(PCA)模組。另有二組通用輸入輸出介面(GPIO) ,可以提供16個I/O接腳。單晶片內所配備的快閃記憶體能透過Ethernet或UART埠進行應用程式的在線升級(Field Upgrade)。
單晶片TCP/IP微處理器 內建10/100M高速乙太網路MAC/PHY (內建128KB Flash、16 GPIOs、LQFP-80)
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-- 8-bit pipelined RISC,每條指令執行僅需一個時鍾週期,工作頻率最高可達100MHz (100MIPS)
-- 指令集與標準8051/80390完全相容
-- 2組GPIO埠,每埠為8位元
-- 2個外部中斷來源,支援2種優先順序
-- 支援電源管理、可編程看門狗計時器及3組16位元計時器/計數器
-- 除錯埠可支援仿真器(ICE)
-- 5組可編程計數器陣列(PCA)
● 內建程式及數據記憶體
-- 內建128/KB快閃記憶體,不需透過Bank切換尋址。另外還內建16KB SRAM,供程式代碼鏡射用
-- 可透過UART或仿真器(ICE)來支援快閃記憶體的燒錄,亦即所謂的In System Programming(ISP)
-- 支援重新燒錄Boot code,可透過乙太網路或UART來進行Run-time firmware或Boot code等程式的線上燒錄,亦即所謂的In Application Programming(IAP) (己獲得美國專利)
-- 內建32KB SRAM
● 緩衝管理(Buffer Management)
-- 內建DMA引擎及記憶體仲裁器,支援3組DMA頻道,可用於處理網路協定堆疊時所需之高速資料傳送
● 內建10/100M高速乙太網路MAC/PHY
-- 整合與IEEE 802.3 10Base-T/100Base-TX相容之高速乙太網路MAC/PHY,內建網路封包暫存專用的12KB SRAM。支援全雙工及半雙工模式
-- 支援交叉線自動偵測及切換(HP Auto-MDIX)
-- 透過偵測到網路連接及外部接腳狀態之變動、收到Magic Packet、Microsoft Wakeup Frame等事件,來支援遠端喚醒
-- 內建TCP/IP硬體加速器,可增進網路傳輸速度。以硬體的方式來支援IP/TCP/UDP/ICMP/IGMP協定的 checksum 計算及 ARP協定
● 通訊介面
-- 3組UART介面(其中一組支援921.6Kbps及Modem控制)
-- 1組I2C介面(Master及Slave模式)
-- SPI/Micro Wire介面(3個Master及1個Slave模式)
-- 1組1-Wire控制器介面(Master模式)
-- 10/100 乙太網路PHY介面
● 支援BOOTP及TFTP等網路啟動模式
● 整合電壓調整電路,僅需3.3V單一電源
● 整合Oscillator及PLL,僅需單一25MHz 時鐘輸入
● 整合上電複位(Power-on reset)電路
● 80-pin LQFP相容的封裝
● 工作溫度範圍:0℃ to 70℃或-40℃ to 85℃
● Weather Station
● Time Attendance System
● Network Thermometer
● Hardware TCP/IP Offload Engine
● Consumer Electronics
-- Audio over Internet, Internet Radio
-- VoIP ATA phone
● Inventory Management
-- Vending System
-- Hotel Mini bar
● Interface Product
-- RS232/422/485 to Ethernet Adapter
-- CAN to Ethernet Adapter
-- Ethernet to ZigBee Bridge
● Building / Home Automation
-- HVAC control
-- Networked Home Appliance
● Security System
-- Biometric access control
-- Fingerprint reade
-- Network Camera/Remote Surveillance
-- Professional DVR (for remote control e.g. Camera tilting and panning)
-- Fire and safety
● Industrial Control
-- Remote Data Collection Equipment/ Remote Monitor
-- Remote Control and Management
-- Environment Monitoring or Network Sensor
-- Automatic Meter Reading
-- Networked UPS
-- Lighting control


AX11001 80-pin乙太網路單晶片開發板
這個開發板提供客戶一個方便的AX11001 80-pin乙太網路單晶片開發平台。
What is the AX110xx products family?
The AX110xx family of products consist of AX11001, AX11005 and AX11015. Please refer to the AX110xx Product Introduction document for details of AX110xx family products.
How do I purchase the AX110xx development kit?
ASIX provides two kinds of AX110xx development kits.The AX1100x 80-pin Development Kit and AX11015 128-pin Development Kit. If you need the local bus interface, external memory bus or external MII interface, you will need to purchase the AX11015 128-pin Development Kit. Please contact ASIX's Sales ( for more details.
What is development tools are supported by the AX110xx software?
All software modules for AX110xx family are developed in C language under Keil IDE development environment. Users can purchase the Keil IDE Development Environment from Keil's web site. In general, you will need to purchase the PK51 development tool for C-language compiler, debugger and simulator.In case if customers just need the compiler function and code size less than 64k bytes, you can purchase the CA51 package.You can also download the Keil C51 evaluation software from Keil's web site, but the evaluation software can only compile the sample codes with less than 2K bytes binary code. Please refer to Keil's web site for more details about the limitation of evaluation software.
What debugger tools are supported by the AX110xx products?
The AX110xx currently provides two debug tool solutions the UART console debugging and the DCD's DoCD HAD2 debugger. All AX110xx S/W modules support the basic UART console debugging function by default. If you needs a more powerful debugging tool like source level debugging, the AX110xx development board supports the Digital Core Design's DoCD Hardware Debugger - the HAD2 module. Through the HAD2 module, the software running on AX110xx development board can be real-time debugged. You may consider purchasing the HAD2 module from Digital Core Design and download the debugger software from Digital Core Design's web site.
Do I really need to purchase the DoCD HAD2 debugger for AX110xx implementation?
It depends on your requirements. If you can debug AX110xx software via the UART console debugging method, you don't need to purchase the DoCD HAD2 debugger.
How can I receive some basic information about the AX110xx family products?
Please download the AX110xx Product Briefs and AX110xx Product Introduction document from ASIX's web site
How can I get started to implement AX110xx applications?
ASIX provides plenty of AX110xx technical documents and sample codes for customers' reference. If needed, users can purchase the AX110xx Development Kits which include AX110xx development boards, AX110xx Development Kit CD and other peripherals like a power adapter, RJ-45 Ethernet cable, RS-232 Null modem cable, etc. Please contact with ASIX's Sales ( for more details.
How can I receive more detailed information like datasheet, sample codes, etc. of AX110xx family products?
Please contact ASIX's Sales ( for more details.
Do I need to pay for the AX110xx software sample codes?
No, ASIX provides free AX110xx related sample codes for customers to implement AX110xx applications.
How can I receive the AX110xx software sample codes?
Please contact ASIX's Sales ( for more details.
How do I program the firmware code into AX110xx Flash?
AX110xx provides a couple of solutions for customers to program the firmware code into AX110xx Flash.
1. The Windows/DOS UART Interface Flash Programming Utilities
2. The Ethernet Boot Loader Flash Programming Method
3. The DoCD HAD2 Debugger Flash Programming Method -
What is the processor of AX110xx family?
AX110xx is a 100 MIPS 1T 8051/80390 System-on-Chip solution with embedded 10/100M Fast Ethernet MAC/PHY and TCP/IP Offload Engine.
What communication interfaces supported by the AX11001/AX11005?
The AX11001/AX11005 supports the Ethernet, I2C, SPI, 1-Wire, UART, PCA, GPIO interfaces, etc.
What is the size of the AX110xx embedded SRAM as Data Memory?
The AX110xx family integrates a 32K bytes embedded SRAM as Data Memory.
What is the size of the AX110xx embedded Flash as Program Memory?
The AX11001 integrates a 128K bytes embedded Flash. AX11005 and AX11015 integrate a 512K bytes embedded Flash.
Does the AX110xx support industrial temperature range?
Yes, the AX110001/AX11005/AX11015 support two operating temperature ranges: 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C.
Does the AX110xx support HP Auto-MDIX function for its embedded Ethernet PHY?
Yes, the embedded Ethernet PHY of AX110xx supports the HP Auto-MDIX function.
Which EEPROM part is used on the AX110xx development board?
The reference EEPROM part on the AX110xx development board is Atmel AT24C02B I2C EEPROM.
Which Ethernet transformer part is used on the AX110xx development board?
The reference Ethernet transformer on the AX110xx development board is Bothhand LU1S041X LF (Turns Ratio is 1CT:1CT, Auto-MDIX).
What industrial Ethernet transformer parts can be used with AX110xx family?
The embedded Ethernet PHY of AX110xx family can work with the 1CT:1CT Turns Ratio transformers like TAIMAG RJC-248TA1 (Turns Ratio is 1CT:1CT, Auto-MDIX) industrial transformer.
Can the I2C EEPROM be removed on AX110xx applications?
Yes, you can remove the I2C EEPROM from their application, but the limitation is that their applications can only use AX110xx H/W default settings like the multi-function pin, output driving strength, etc. If you need to specify the AX110xx settings being defined in the EEPROM, you should keep the I2C EEPROM on their applications.
What is the maximum frequency of the AX110xx PWM signal?
The maximum frequency of AX110xx PWM signal is 195.3 KHz.
What TCP/IP stacks is supported by the AX110xx software?
The AX110xx supports uIP TCP/IP Stack sample code.
What S/W modules are supported by the AX110xx software?
ASIX provides the S/W module drivers for each communication interfaces of AX110xx. These S/W modules include the CPU, Ethernet, S/W DMA, MS Timer, I2C, SPI, 1-Wire, PCA, UART2, UART, Local Bus, etc.
How do I convert the Web Server HTML files of the AX110xx uIP TCP/IP Stack sample code into C files?
AX110xx uIP TCP/IP Stack sample code v1.0.4 already includes the HTTP Web Server source code inside. Please make sure the web page HTML files are put into the "SRC/WEB/FS" subdirectory of the uIP sample code and run the "mkfs.exe" command in the "SRC/WEB" subdirectory. The "mkfs.exe" command will convert these HTML files into the FSDATA.C and FSDATA.H files. AX110xx uIP TCP/IP Stack project file (ax11000.Uv2) will include these two files (FSDATA.C and FSDATA.H) to compile the runtime code.
How many TCP socket connections are supported by AX110xx uIP TCP/IP stack?
The TCP socket connection count is dependent on the RAM size on the AX110xx platforms.
How do I assign a static IP address for the AX110xx Ethernet Boot Loader?
You don't need to assign a static IP address for AX110xx Ethernet Boot Loader, the AX110xx Ethernet Boot Loader will always get an IP address from the DHCP server.
How to open the gerber files of AX110xx development boards?
You can open the gerber files of AX110xx development boards by running ORACLE's AutoVue Evaluation Revision tool (30 days evaluation date). Please visit ORACLE's web site for more details.
How to open the PowerPCB PCB layout files of AX110xx development boards?
You can open the PowerPCB PCB layout files of AX110xx development boards by running Mentor Graphics PADS Layout Product Evaluation Software (No time limitation but with limited function). Please visit Mentor Graphics' web site for more details.
軟體 & 工具
- 01
USB KVM切換器單晶片與Wi-Fi/乙太網路單晶片解決方案,可適用於各種智慧居家與辦公室產品相關應用。
- 02
單晶片TCP/IP微處理器 內建802.11 無線區域網路MAC/基頻處理器 (32GPIOs, LQFP-128)
- 03
單晶片TCP/IP微處理器 內建10/100M高速乙太網路MAC/PHY (內建512KB Flash、16 GPIOs、LQFP-80)
- 04
單晶片TCP/IP微處理器 內建10/100M高速乙太網路MAC/PHY (內建512KB Flash、EMI、Local bus、MII、32 GPIOs、LQFP-128)