AX58200是一款2/3埠EtherCAT從站專用通訊SoC,整合兩個支援100Mbps全雙工操作與HP Auto-MDIX功能的高速以太網路PHY。AX58200以ARM® Cortex®-M4F微處理器為核心,內建512 KB雙區塊(Dual Bank) Flash記憶體可用於支援OTA(Over-The-Air) 韌體升級,內建160 KB SRAM其中包含32 KB快取記憶體(Cache)可用於支援外部SPI Flash晶片內執行(XIP, eXecute-In-Place)。出廠前可預燒bootloader以支援安全啟動 (Secure Boot) 功能可對存放於內建快閃記憶體內的程式碼進行完整性檢查,並整合4 KB安全保護儲存空間(Secure Protection ROM)可用於保存機密程序或資料。內建一次性可燒錄唯讀記憶體(OTP ROM),可用於管控產品生命週期。支援含RMII介面與硬體加密引擎的10/100 Mbps乙太網路MAC,高速USB OTG與SPI/UART/I2C/I2S/CAN/PWM等各種通訊介面。
AX58200 EtherCAT從站控制器(ESC)整合兩個可同時支持光纖和銅線網路應用的高速乙太網路PHY,可與所有支援標準EtherCAT協定(如CoE/FoE/VoE等)的系統相互連結運作。AX58200 ESC支援9 KB RAM,8個現場總線存儲器管理單元(FMMUs),8個同步管理器,64位元分散式時鐘,可適用於各種實時工業自動化控制產品應用,如馬達/運動控制,數位 I / O控制,感測器數據採集,機器人轉軸控制,EtherCAT轉IO-Link主站閘道器,EtherCAT Junction從站模組等。
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● ARM® Cortex®-M4F微處理器,主頻192 MHz
-- 512 KB雙區塊(Dual Bank)快閃記憶體,160 KB SRAM
-- 32 KB安全啟動(Secure Boot) bootloader
-- 4 KB加載程序區塊(LDROM)
-- 4 KB安全保護區塊(SPROM)保護智慧財產權
● EtherCAT從站控制器(ESC)
-- 內建兩個高速乙太網路PHYs
-- 內建第3個MII網絡埠以支持星型或樹型網絡拓撲
-- 9K 位元組RAM
-- 8個現場總線存儲器管理單元(FMMUs)
-- 8個同步管理器
-- 64位元分散式時鐘
● 通訊/控制介面
-- 1個高速USB 2.0 OTG
-- 1個10/100Mbps RMII網絡埠
-- 6個低功耗UART與3個ISO-7816-3介面
-- 1個Quad-SPI控制器,支援主從模式
-- 3個I2C與1個 I2S,支援主從模式
-- 2個通用串行控制介面(USCI)可配置成UART/SPI/I2C功能
-- 2個CAN 2.0B控制器
-- 1個SPI Master介面,可外接SPI快閃記憶體最大32 MB
-- 2個符合SD 2.0 儲存卡標準規範的SDHC介面
-- 76個通用型輸入輸出控制(GPIO)
-- 1個12位元16通道ADC與2個12位元DAC
-- 2個類比比較器與2個運算放大器
-- 4組32位元計時器與24組16位元PWM計數器
-- 2個QEI與1個ECAP
● 內建硬體加密引擎(包含ECC/AES/DES/3DES/SHA/HMAC)
● 支援RTC實時時鐘功能
● 內建晶片內溫度感測器(DTS),精度 1°C
● 144接腳HSFBGA小封裝尺寸10x10毫米,0.8毫米間距,符合RoHS規範
● 工作溫度範圍: -40至85°C
● 馬達/運動控制
● 數位訊號I/O控制
● 機器人
● 感測器數據採集
● EtherCAT轉IO-Link主站閘道器
● EtherCAT Junction從站模組
● 傳統通信模組
● 操作員HMI介面
AX58200 EtherCAT從站SoC開發板 (AX58200-TSB-1)
AX58200 2/3埠EtherCAT從站專用通訊SoC開發板
AX58200 EtherCAT從站數位/類比I/O控制開發套件 (AX58200-DMK-ADIO-1)
AX58200 EtherCAT從站數位/類比I/O控制開發套件 (含AX58200 EtherCAT從站專用通訊SoC開發板與AX58200 數位/類比I/O控制延伸板)
AX58200 EtherCAT從站馬達控制開發套件 (AX58200-DMK-MOTOR-1)
AX58200 EtherCAT從站馬達控制開發套件 (含AX58200 EtherCAT從站專用通訊SoC開發板與AX58200伺服馬達驅動延伸板)
Where can I obtain the latest AX58200 datasheet, reference schematic and other hardware design archives?
You can download the latest AX58200 datasheet, reference schematic, PCB layout guide, etc. from AX58100 Product web page directly.
Where can I obtain the latest AX58200 BSP.
Please contact ASIX's Sales ( for more details.
Can ASIX help me to review my own AX58200 schematic and PCB layout?
Yes, please deliver your own AX58200 schematic and PCB layout files to ASIX’s Support ( for further review before making your own AX58200 PCB board.
Does the AX58200 add into EtherCAT Slave Controller Overview document.
Yes, you can be found within the download section here: -
How do I purchase the AX58200 Evaluation Board?
ASIX provides both AX58200 evaluation boards, one is AX58200 evaluation board, other one is AX58200 ADIO demo kit combined AX58200 evaluation board and AX58200 Analog/Digital I/O expansion board. Please contact ASIX's Sales ( for more details.
What kind of EEPROM is supported by AX58200?
The AX58200 supports II2C EEPROM with EEPROM size from 1 Kbit (128 bytes) to
4 Mbit (500Kbytes). -
Does the AX58200 support HP Auto-MDIX function for its embedded Ethernet PHY
Yes, The AX58200 is a 2/3-port EtherCAT Slave Controller SoC, licensed from Beckhoff Automation, with two integrated Fast Ethernet PHYs which support 100Mbps full-duplex operation and HP Auto-MDIX.
What is the size of AX58200 Ethercat embedded RAM, FMMU, Sync-Managers, and Distributed Clock, etc. specification?
AX58200 Ethercat slave supports 9 Kbytes Process Data RAM, 8 Fieldbus Memory Management Units (FMMUs), 8 Sync-Managers and a 64-bit Distributed Clock.
How to change ASIX logo in ESI file
You can refer to the ETG2200 of table 8 description for more details. We're using HxD freeware to convert it.
Can the AX58200 programming tool use ULINK2 by Keil C?
The EVB of AX58200 has a Nu Link ICE designed for debugging and programming. So, there is no need to purchase other programming tools. You can refer to AX58200 Test/Evaluation Board Reference Schematic for more details.
Does AX58200 BSP supports Keil and IAR compilers?
Yes, both compilers are supported in AX58200 BSP.
What is the priority order of INT0~7 in AX58200?
The priority of INT0~7 can be set through register; you can refer to AX58200 full datasheet for more details.
Can the AX58200 EBI interface directly control the Memory bus? Or do I need to add a Buffer/Latch circuit? Is there a recommended circuit for reference?
Please refer to AX58200 full datasheet chapter 2.29.5 for detailed wiring suggestions.
Does AX58100 EVB of Switch ID needs to set in CTT test?
For CTT test, the SWITCH ID sets high nibble = 0, low nibble = 5 on the daughter board.
Why Keil & IAR compilers do not find AX58200 device?
Please install Nu-Link Keil or IAR Driver first.